Thursday, June 11, 2015

Consumers Sure Do Love the Multi-Device Life

As a digital marketing agency, many of our creatives have multiple devices. Laptops, desktops, tablets, and smartphones. All at work, all going the whole day. For people outside of this industry, average consumers, this lifestyle rings true as well.

One of the first things we reach for in the morning are our smartphones. We use multiple devices throughout the day, sometimes at the same time. Right now, I am using my desktop to write the blog and my MacBook is streaming music and being used for other assignments. During lunch, I switch to either my iPad or my phone to see what is going on in the world. At the end of the day, the iPad or phone is again used for personal internet surfing or social media while the Apple TV streams Netflix. It's just part of the life of a social media marketing specialist.

As mentioned before, this lifestyle of using many devices throughout the day is true for many people. It is hard for creative marketing agencies to get a good handle on it; the issue for advertisers is how to make sure the ads get seen. It can be difficult for marketers to keep a storyline going that keeps consumers engaged when the marketing teams have to skip across so many platforms. Companies have become more aggressive at tackling this issue of continuing ads, stories, and engagement across devices and platforms.

The opportunity for companies to target consumers with even more accuracy is a hidden gem in the multi-device lifestyle that brands seem to have difficulty negotiating. The story, the ads, the frequency of it all does not have to be the same across each platform, each one deserves a unique approach. The engagement needs to be customized and more intelligent so the effectiveness and ROI is greater than ever before.

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