Monday, March 17, 2014

How Creative People Are Different

To be successful in marketing, you have to be of a creative mind. Sure, you don't have to be artistic but you have to be able to think originally, abstractly, uniquely, thoroughly, and so many more adjectives that could be used to describe a creative mind.

So what are some things that creative people do that their non-creative counterparts do not do (or as often)?

  • We tend to daydream more. Daydreams are not a waste of anyone's time because they are often how our minds express desires, thoughts, realizations, and allow us time to escape our current moment. Daydreams are a way for our minds to utilize the process that is called "creative incubation" which is how we have those random amazing ideas. 
  • We like to observe. A lot. We observe people, objects, processes, social norms, rules, language, interactions, relationships, how other people observe, etc. This is a biggie if you want to be in marketing (internet marketing toobecause you have to understand how the mind works when looking for products, especially your product type. 
  • We tend to work on our own time. Now, yes, when you work in the business world, you have to work certain times; however, within those hours, you will find that creative minds are doing other things when their creative hours have not come yet or have already passed. Some creative minds do have the luxury of working whenever they feel like it. 
  • We are resilient. We tend to not take failure so personally and when we do fail, we look at it as improvement instead of a step backwards. Failing only means one less thing to consider next time, clarifying the road to success. We fail and do it often, if you don't fail often, you are not trying enough. 
  • We ask questions; we tend to ask the big ones. We are curious people, we see things and wonder what they are or what could be different about them, etc. We do it through conversation with others or with ourselves (in our minds, of course).
  • We like to change things. We see things the way they are and like to shake them up. We like diversity in things as well.