Thursday, May 8, 2014

How To Create a Great Elevator Speech

Elevator speeches are a necessity in the 21st century business world, especially when you are in marketing, sales, public relations, etc. If you are trying to gain awareness for your business, then you need to have an elevator speech planned.

The term "elevator speech" is a synopsis of your business that you can deliver very quickly; the term comes from being able to do so in the time it takes to ride in an elevator. Nowadays, it can still happen in elevators but you can also deliver you speech to someone at an expo, trade-show, in the hallway, or at a coffee shop.

Here are a few things to remember when creating that awesome pitch:

  1. Try to not make it sound too sales-y but it's okay to have it sound just a tidbit sales-y. You can use adjectives like: original, leading, certified, pioneering, etc. You just have to make sure your pitch still clearly sends the message you want it to and give a good description of your company. 
  2. The pitch has to be short. Clearly state the name of your company and what your company does. Give some details, enough to encourage the person to inquire further. Just make sure it is no more than a minute long but shoot for 30 seconds. 
  3. Use language everyone can understand. Your elevator speech means nothing if you are using jargon from your industry that is gibberish to people outside the industry. If the person has to use a dictionary to understand what you're saying, you might as well not even deliver the speech. 
  4. Consider starting it off with a question. This will get the person involved in the speech and so they feel that connection. You can try something like, "Do you feel pleased with your company's marketing efforts?" Pause for answer, assuming they said no, "Well my company is a pioneering internet marketing agency…"
  5. Be comfortable. Nothing is more awkward than hearing an elevator speech that is rigid, fumbled, and robotic. Be loose, know your speech, and act like you've done it before. And know your speech well, that will help. 
If you need help with this or are looking for other marketing tips, then contact Integraphix