Monday, July 22, 2013

Optimizing Mobile Emails

As a Chicago Marketing Company, Integraphix has observed and noticed that the percentage of web page views are on the rise. How often are you on your cell phone or tablet? More and more people are spending noticeably more time on their cell phones on a daily basis. With the popularity of mobile devices, the marketing specialists at Integraphix stress the power of optimizing your emails for mobile. There was a recent study that stated 43% of emails are opened on mobile or tablet devices. That is a large percentage that continues to grow!

As a Marketing Company in Chicago, our marketing specialists at Integraphix have compiled a list of key components that can make your emails more optimized.

Add Media Queries
Media queries allow you to control the layout of your emails and how they are displayed on mobile devices. As a Chicago web design company, we create websites and email templates that are easily viewed on all devices. Here is an example of a Media Query:

<style type=”text/css”>
@media {
* { font-family: sans-serif }
@media screen and (max-device-width: 480px) {
* { font-family: sans-serif }
.mobile_content {display: block} !important
.nonmobile_content {display: none} !important
Mobile Landing Page Optimization
When creating landing pages for emails to be read on mobile, remember that people want to get straight to the point on their cell phones. Always keep mobile forms minimal, the less forms the better. Make sure all of your images are resizable – An image viewed on a large desktop screen needs to be flexible so it shrinks in mobile version. Use pronounced images and buttons – remember, visitors are using their fingers to scroll and select items.

Optimize the Mobile Inbox
Whether mobile or desktop, the inbox will display the first HTML text it finds. The subject line and the pre-header are the most important aspects in an email. The subject should be 80 characters long and have a catching sound for readers.

For more tips on optimizing content, contact Integraphix – 847-537-0067. As a Chicago Marketing Company, we support our clients with need-to-know tips and tricks on common marketing behavior!