Thursday, June 5, 2014

Coca-Cola Strikes Gold with New Marketing Campaign

If you pay attention to marketing news, then you may have heard about this idea that was published today, if you don't, then congrats! We'll inform you.

Coca-Cola has invented 16 awesome caps that you can apply to your empty Coke bottle; turning it from something to throw away to something you want to keep and play with. It's called the "2nd Lives Campaign."

For those of us who want to help preserve the environment and drink Coke, this idea is a win-win. The caps allow you to turn your empty Coke bottle into a squirt gun, pencil sharpener, rattle, paintbrush, soap/shampoo dispenser, bubble maker, dumbbell, sauce bottle, whistle, nightlight, and more. There are 16 designs total.

The message brought forth from the campaign is, "What if Coke bottles were never thrown away?" Kind of an interesting concept, hmm? Whether you truly do use it for a long time or you use it once with the alternate cap and then toss it anyway, it's still very cool and a unique idea.

The idea was created by Ogilvy China (of Ogilvy & Mather). If there's one thing Coke knows how to do besides make a great product, it's make its way into the hearts of people; they did it back in WWII by being the only soda supplier to American GIs, they continue to do it with ideas like this.

As a Chicago marketing firm, we love ideas like this that show true creativity. Marketing and advertising is more than getting products out there and purchased, they are also about making life easier and more fun.