Monday, February 16, 2015

Integraphix Case Study: Weldbend Print Advertisements

Weldbend and Integraphix have been doing business together for a long time. Our agency & Weldbend worked on projects like app design & web design, allowing us to know Weldbend's target market, desires/needs, and their products when it came time to launch a print advertising campaign.

Our Chicago creative marketing agency has designed and developed Weldbend's monthly ad campaign; the results of the campaign have been wonderful. Weldbend has seen their company grow and become an industry leader and authority.

The campaign was built on graphic design and marketing strategies so the ROI would be worth the expense for the company, despite being a multi-million dollar business. Welbend constantly needs to improve and grow their market-view and marketshare, this means a top-notch advertising strategy at all times.

Every month, our creative marketing team brings targeted and powerful imagery to the campaign so the messages say exactly what they need to and leave a powerful impact with consumers.

Does your business need greater exposure? Then email Integraphix and get started with a terrific ad campaign-- print or digital. 

Monday, February 9, 2015

Use This Trick to Break Your Cycle of Bad Writing

Someone who chooses to live of life of curating ideas is someone who should choose to read books and articles; when this is done, the reader may realize that they can find a commonplace with the story in the literature they are reading.

Read anything. Everything. Even if you must read the same thing over and over, read. This was a trick that our Chicago marketing company implemented with our teams, especially the copywriters and it has worked wonderfully.

Find something to read that captivates you and encourages you to think deeply, creatively, and critically. Recently, an Integraphix copywriter read a historical-fiction book about a WWII soldier and he read the same book 3x in a row before he moved onto another book, it was that good. The best thing about that book is that it inspired him to write and write better.

Research has suggested that reading and studying books from different eras will help you escape a writing rut, especially if your rut is filled with business jargon and other language that the average person (outside your industry) will not understand.

Does your business need assistance with writing? Then email Integraphix and see how our teams can help your business get better marketing.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

How To Create a Great YouTube Video for your Business

Videos for digital marketing are very classy and effective, we all like videos that engage us and are entertaining. A company can really benefit from this medium, after all, it is just a smaller concept of TV commercials.

Unfortunately, not enough businesses are utilizing this format; the odd thing is, this has been around longer than social media marketing and some other formats, which brands are jumping all over.

In order for a YouTube video marketing to be successful, it has to be:

  • Very educational/informative
  • Sincere/genuine
  • Fun/entertaining
However, some of the businesses that use video do wrong is not give enough consideration for professionalism; they produce a video that is choppy, looks like it was shot with a phone's camera, and people are robotic. One of the main things is that your business remembers to be informative, sincere, and fun and the quality should follow. 

Here are 7 tips for producing a great video for your digital marketing. 
  1. Use music. You do not want it to be overwhelming or too loud but using music in your video is a great idea. The music can be split up or constant throughout the video. Think of some of your favorite scenes from movies or TV, chances are, they incorporate music to some degree. 
  2. Have a preview to the video. Having a preview of the video that shows teasers of the scenes they will see can be a great hook. Why? It shows the viewer what they can expect to see and what they'll miss if they choose to skip the video. 
  3. Have contact information. This is a must, according to our Chicago marketing company social media team. When you have a video, put your company name & contact info (number, email, and/or website) at the beginning of the video, not at the end. Why not at the end? Because people do not often make it to the end of the video. You can mention this information throughout the video, as well.
  4. Have pop-ups. We're not talking about pop-up ads but rather pop-ups that feature some info that you did not say in the video. Maybe it's a link to a site or additional, perhaps more specific, information. 
  5. Humor. Be a little funny, be people-friendly. While you do not want to turn the video into a stand-up act or tell risky jokes, be engaging and fun. Be appropriate. 
  6. Involve current, real customers. Of course, get their permission (sign a waiver) but involve some of your actual customers. Does it need to be said that they should be happy customers? Well, they should be. Have them talk about their experience with your business. 
  7. Still shots & effects. This will help change the pace of the video, keeping it fresh and engaging. Using still shots can be great for allowing viewers to see something that they might miss in video format. Also, use some effects like slow-motion or time-lapse (or hyper-lapse); the slow-motion is great for things that happen very quickly & time-lapse is great for things that would take a long time to watch. 
Does your business need to be noticed on the web? Do you have quality YouTube videos to use in your marketing? Email Integraphix about digital marketing efforts such as YouTube videos, videos for Facebook or Twitter, or even Vimeo.