Thursday, March 8, 2012

Dental Marketing and Website SEO

Chicago Dental Website SEO Marketing

As a dentist, you know that you are only as good as the tools and techniques you use to practice dentistry. Advertising your practice is no different. It is only through the use of the latest dental marketing techniques that you can hope to continue to generate increased traffic in the form of new customers. Today, this means utilizing the Internet, mobile and social media marketing to create a dentist advertising program that will be successful.

Any Chicago dental marketing program must be based on the latest Internet Marketing strategies. Today this means staying abreast of the latest optimization strategies, blogging, and more. Remember that, especially in the case of optimization strategies, changes happen on a weekly basis. It is critical to constantly review the latest industry information regarding optimization strategies. For example, Google, still the best search engine for relevancy, recently made changes to its indexing formula and, most notably, lowered its acceptable keyword density standard.

The increasing popularity of ‘smart’ phones means creating websites that are viewable on mobile browsers. The growing popularity of net-books and tablet computers will also necessitate changes in dentist advertising techniques. It is likely that more and more websites will be designed to allow for easy touch screen use.

Chicago Dental Dentist Chicago Dental Marketing Dental Marketing Marketing for Dentists

Social media marketing is the final element in the advertising dentists must utilize to be successful. Social media is still exploding in popularity and growth, with Facebook having over 500 million registered users.  Tapping into this community is critically important. Take some time to consider a previously popular method of advertising on the Internet: client or patient reviews. Many users turned to these reviews to get recommendations for a dentist – until the public became aware of the fact that many businesses were actually buying good reviews. Social media neatly combats this overwhelming ‘trust’ issue by providing a community or network of friends and family – always a reliable source for recommendations.

In order to effectively market your dentistry office, it is critical that you implement a strategy that is based on the latest technologies and strategies. By remembering how smart Internet users are and implementing a plan that is designed around technology and integrity, it is possible to generate increased traffic to not only your website but also your office. Maybe it’s time to make some changes to your marketing plan.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Chicago Video Production and Photography

Chicago Video Production :: Chicago Photography Company

One of the coolest new ways to communicate on the web are blogs. Blogs are basically an online diary, that allows you to post your stories, news or thoughts. We will use this new Chicago Video Production's blog as our way of instantly communicating with our customers and web surfers all over the world. We'll be posting new information about upcoming products, technologies and promotions. We'll be able to include images and links that you can follow for additional information. Even cooler - You'll be able to add your own comments to each blog entry!! Our goal is for the Chicago Video Production's Blog to become your information portal to the world of digital video editing & DVD production. We'll be including press releases, links to on line reviews, first glimpses at new products and of course - the latest and greatest Video Production specials, deals & promotions!