Monday, March 2, 2015

How Can Your Business Create Great Content During March Madness?

Brands that are looking to make campaigns for their social media marketing platforms during the NCAA March Madness tournament need to craft something special to succeed. One place they can look to for inspiration is the NBA. NBA teams are often considered some of the best at utilizing social media marketing, specifically with video.

What does the NBA do that has caught the eye of our Chicago marketing company? The NBA has the ability to dominate videos for social media as well as quickly shooting off still photos. Each photo is a moment in time, a cliffhanger, and it has the ability to make us care about that game. The key is to have great video and photos- both in terms of film quality and content quality.

One way to accomplish the content quality objective is to show the elite, popular players or teams doing what they do best, creating highlight reel plays. For example, a star NCAA player posterizing another guy? That is a photo or video that will be seen by many.

The tournament is already a very exciting event for people to be a part of, so capitalizing
on that excitement and getting exposure is something for brands to lose. It is right there, right for the plucking. March Madness marketers have this A+ opportunity to entertain consumers and create compelling, storytelling posts and videos.

Another thing that brands can do to be great during this opportunity is to show the behind-the-scenes moments. Maybe some players building each other up in the hallway by the locker room? Terrific content. Other great moments to capture can be a pre-game ritual, a celebration of a big shot or win, and other great moments that allow viewers to connect with the players, even without meeting them. Our Chicago marketing agency is a big preacher of brands creating relationships and communication with consumers.

Brands will want to monitor the chatter and see the opportune moments to enter the conversations and create and deepen the connections with consumers. Talk about the Cinderella stories, the dynasties, the moments of emotion, everything, with the people and show a human side! The narrative is there, brands have to do little to create it.

Take a glance at the social media accounts of NBA teams, especially their Twitter & Instagram profiles, and see what they are doing that is so special.

After that, email Integraphix and see how our creative marketing team can help your brand get great content prepared for the NCAA March Madness tournament.

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