Thursday, October 13, 2011

Chicago Marketing: LinkedIn and Marketing your Business

Chicago Marketing Company

In the world of social media, there are three major giants: Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Two of these, Facebook and Twitter, are widely popular due to the platforms commonly being used for social and business benefits because of their well-known user interfaces. LinkedIn, however, is somewhat of an anomaly, although it maintains 120 million professional users. When I became a new user of LinkedIn, I was unaware of how to actually utilize it appropriately. From that moment on, I vowed to eliminate that feeling for others—I will shed some light on the abyss that is LinkedIn to help others explore its entire potential.

LinkedIn is a social media platform that allows professionals, Chicago Marketing Companies, seasoned veterans and recent graduates to connect, while listing credentials and an assortment of beneficial work force fields. LinkedIn’s interface actively fashions itself as a dynamic and more-personal resume. A user’s profile page is a way of enhancing his or her “personal equity,” as well as being found by other individuals, many of which range from old college friends to colleagues to recruiters. One key suggestion that many people overlook is the idea of optimization when using their LinkedIn page. Optimizing a profile or webpage is based in the conscious and organic use of the keywords that are relevant to your work history. This allows you to be found in LinkedIn’s search results associated with those keywords.

LinkedIn hosts 75 Fortune 100 companies using LinkedIn Hiring solutions and hosts 2 million companies with LinkedIn Company pages. Therefore, it has transcended the classic manner of finding a career and has now become a great place to encounter career opportunities. However, to be utilized correctly and gain career momentum, I suggest individuals demonstrate consistent participation, increasing your appeal to major corporations. Your stability in participation can set you apart as an industry expert or an individual who is eager to excel beyond expectations. Networking is a stepping stone in one’s desire for success, as the common phrase “Its not what you know, but who you know,” plainly explains. If leveraged correctly, following interesting companies, linking to the most connected people and frequent interaction with your existing network will provide endless possibilities.

LinkedIn is a great resource for a seasoned professional’s move to a new career, a recent graduate’s transition into the work force, connecting with industry leaders or keeping up with peers within a niche industry. So, take a break from Facebook, refrain from tweeting for a second and embrace the commonly untapped resource that is LinkedIn. Don’t let your unfamiliarity prevent you from your next big break!

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